Eine verrückte Antwort für jeden Amerikaner, geschweige denn für einen US-Kongressabgeordneten

Von Larg3____Porcupin3


  1. Elephant_Tusk_777 on

    The saddest part of the whole thing is that it’s called the book of Revelation, not the book of Revelations. This guy literally has no idea what he’s talking about, and he’s a leader of the country.

  2. arkvaflortex on

    What’s crazy is that Jesus (per Revelation) will reveal himself to present day Israel & they will then know that he is/was the true Messiah (religious Jews are in denial that Christ was the Messiah)… Americans in large part already recognize that Jesus was here once & must come again…

    Of course America isn’t eternal, but more importantly, neither is the denial that Jesus wasn’t the Son of God & the savior of Israel from their imperfection.

  3. Loose_Gripper69 on

    Assuming God is real; why would he care more about one specific part of the Earth at one specific time and not the planet as a whole throughout time?

  4. everydaycarrie on

    Mr. Don Bacon himself should read Revelation. Perhaps then, he will know how to spell the word.

  5. kevlarbuns on

    Those who seek office tend to be deeply unserious people who just happen to lack the moral integrity to stay out of politics.

    So we’re left with dinguses like this.

  6. If all religions claim to be right then none of them are right. Thats all you need to know.

  7. ilikeneatthings888 on

    Ask Grok the following – If there are 5000 white people , 5000 black people , 5000 Chinese people and 5000 Indians … but 1 Jew — and you had to choose everyone but the Jew – or the one Jew to save in a fatal event …

    What do you think Grok says lol

  8. IdidntchooseR on

    Let’s all flood Israel as refugees seeking asylum from a pro-Israel “government” that has no qualms of sacrificing ALL Americans for Greater Israel, anyway. Here we COMMMMMMME

  9. SirMourningstar6six6 on

    Is this not to be considered treason? Like dudes whole job is to put the US first.

  10. ScurvyDawg on

    This is an expected answer if you’ve heard the conspiracy where they’re all trying to bring about Armageddon lol

  11. Whiplash907 on

    Bruh… how is that insane? He’s right lol
    One of those countries holds the promise of Christ’s return. The other isn’t even mentioned unless you consider the country from the far East that supports Israel during the events of revelation in the Bible to be America and not some part of Asia.

  12. USA is said to be the Harlot on the Beast. The “Hammer of the Earth”. its pretty clear.

  13. grumpyfishcritic on

    Stupid question deserves a stupid answer. I don’t subscribe to the base premise of the question. It’s sort of alike asking does this dress make me look fat. It’s a trap there is no correct answer.

  14. Let’s do a poll in our heads.

    Is this a..:

    A. Curious question about ones value of national security in the country they live in over a foreign warmonger?


    B. A loaded question trying to gaslight religious virtue signaling that obsessively desires to neglect the security of others for a otherwise irrelevant and inappropriate goal that can only be justified by superstitious conspiracy?

    I don’t understand how I can’t have a problem with our strong hand in foreign affairs over our affairs within our borders without it being reported and enforced as harassment, but yet desire to underfund the civilians of your own country because “the bible tells me so”?

    I gave up Christianity and religions that cooperate with such just because I am not going to believe a single “country” that only was established in the 20th century is going to be the magnum opus to the “proof” the end of the world is here.

    That’s more of a doomsday cult than a religion. Nothing hateful here reddit overlords, if anything I hate myself for not being like the blind majority who has the actual privilege to believe we have money to just blindly blow as a country.

  15. Both: Luciferians and luciferian servants. Add china to that and it’s peace on earth

  16. JacobMAN1011 on

    It’s actually the Book of Revelation. There is no “s” at the end.

  17. Ok-Mulberry4176 on

    Insane for a congressman to believe in GOD?? So you would prefer the devil worshiping ?

  18. overcookedfantasy on

    Okay let me see what it says!

    >Revelation 3:9 says, “Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you”.

  19. Newgunnerr on

    When someone says “Revelations” instead of “Revelation” I instantly think he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

  20. Everyone seems to think he means the US, bur he means Israel.

    Bacon and all these other US politicians that unfailingly support Israel are Christian Zionists. In their twisted and heretical End Times ideology, all Christians must support Israel because they will soon be involved in a final war. Only after the war can the Second Coming take place. The kicker is that in their demented prophecies, Israel loses and is destroyed. That’s what Bacon is referring to.

    This is all much darker and crazier than is ever spoken about publicly.

  21. TrumpDidNoDrugs on

    I would bet 90% of elected Republicans hold this view either publicly or privately. It’s what you get after decades of campaigning on Christian nationalism and pillaging the educational system.

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