(22M) Ich habe dieses Jahr zwei Wochen in Deutschland verbracht und ich kann euch sagen, das Bier war einfach nicht von dieser Welt. Als ich in München war, habe ich das Augustiner-Bräu-Bier probiert und es hat mein Leben verändert, allein weil es so gut war, hahaha
Wie auch immer, als ich nach Brasilien zurückkam, fing ich wirklich an, Bier mehr zu genießen, jetzt, da ich weiß, was gutes Bier ist und worauf ich achten muss. Aber ich dachte immer, wenn ich in einem Land leben würde, in dem es überall tolles Bier gibt, hätte ich definitiv ein Alkoholproblem.
Ist das dort normal? Ungesunde Mengen Bier trinken? Oder ist es nur eine gesunde Beziehung zur Bierkultur?
Von jowzingod
There is no problem with alcoholism.
Only without.
Many people drink moderate amounts of alcohol every now and then. BUT
we have about 1.6 million alcoholics and 1.4 million people who abuse alcohol without being alcoholics. Out of 84 million. About 15% of the population consume alcohol in a risky way.
People won’t admit because alcohol is a huge part of german culture – but alcohol consumption is at least problematic. However in the last two decades consumption is going down.
Welcome to Bavaria. We are the champion of it.
alcohol addiction is huge here and normalized to keep it short, especially beer so yea its normal
Well at least you’re showing a damn good German beer.
It’s difficult to say what alcoholism really is because In terms of quantity (pure alcohol per person) Germany is up there and also higher than the world average but according to WHO alcoholism in Germany is pretty low only coming in in like place 54 where Brazil is around 25.
From anecdotal experience id say there is roughly the same amounts of alcoholics in society as anywhere else. We do drink a lot of beer and wine but only 1 or 2 on normal days and then more at once on weekends.
Germany also has very low alcohol tax at least compared to the other places I’ve been. When I lived in Canada a cheap sixpack of beer(on sale) was like 10$ which was at least double what great German beer cost me at home and the Australian guys were amazed at the low prices of Canadian beer haha
In my opinion, Germans’ alcohol intake is pretty low, especially compared to where I come from.
Talk about alcoholism, while showing a picture of food. Strange.
alcoholism doesn’t exist here
Alcoholism and solidarity with Israel are the foundation of german Staatsräson.
I’d say our problem with alcoholism isn’t any bigger or smaller than in other countries. Yes, we might consume more alcohol than other countries and it has better quality. But being exposed to alcohol this way also means we get to explore our limit in a moreless safe and responsible way.
Not too bad, thanks for asking!
Good, thanks for asking
Good, thank you
To Germans, amazing beer isn’t everywhere but only from their local hometown brewery.
Maybe you’re just new to Weissbier. It’s different, nice. It’s traditional in Germany, and with a slightly different technology it’s made in parts of France and Belgium (“Blanche”).
I am an enjoyer of beers. I love them very much. Too much. So much so that I have 2 crates of Jever Fun that I enjoy right now (alcohol-free). I love beer, but I hate what consistent consumptions of alcohol would do to me.
Most of my friends barely drink any alcohol, and alcohol-free beer is on the menu with many of them. The good thing is that it became a lot better in the last few years, with more varied tastes for people to enjoy. We even have alcohol-free “Dry” “champagne”. It’s amazing.
Anyway, in my surroundings, with colleagues and acquaintances, alcohol consumption is definitely going down. Beer making way for Apfelschorle.
In a word: accepted
Alcoholism is very strong here, very good.
It is bad. Alcoholism is allways bad.