Irland hat dieses Jahr fast 50 Millionen Euro auf GoFundMe gespendet und ist damit das großzügigste Land weltweit

Von qwerty_1965


  1. Bill_Badbody on

    >The campaign that raised the largest amount of funds was a campaign launched to fund the future care of Joe Slattery, a teenager who received life-changing injuries while training with his parish team in November. Joe will require life-long care, and the campaign has thus far raised over €650,000.

    For anyone not aware of this incident, a few weeks ago Joe was training in his gaa clubs sports hall he suffered a life changing accident, is paralysed from the neck down.

    Every single sports club and community group in the whole county and further a field have come together, and on go fund me alone now raised €675k.

    Edit: this is the link for anyone who wants to donate.

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