Die Verfassung der Republik Kolumbien erklärt „den Abschnitt der geostationären Umlaufbahn“ als Teil Kolumbiens


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  1. it’s in Chapter IV (“On Territory”), Article 101, paragraph 4

    > Also **part of Colombia** is the subsoil, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the continental shelf, the exclusive economic zone, the airspace, **the segment of the geostationary orbit**, **the electromagnetic spectrum and the space where it applies**, in accordance with international law or the laws of Colombia in the absence of international regulations.

    i learned this in a podcast, altho i can’t remember which.

    this constitution is from 1991 and [THIS PAPER](http://iisl.tijdschriften.budh.nl/tijdschrift/iisl/2007/1%20The%20Impact%20of%20Outer%20Space%20Law%20on%20Regional%20Policies/IISL_2007_050_001_012.pdf) has some researched commentary.

    * the paper says that this declaration is not really in accordance with international law
    * the paper also admits it’s prolly too difficult to change this portion of the constitution so it’s stuck ever since…

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