Nur weil ich in der Analytik arbeite, heißt das nicht, dass ich nicht an unzähligen Meetings teilnehme 🙂

Von datagorb


  1. By the way, I created this by exporting my Outlook calendar to CSV and then making the chart in excel.

  2. JDismyfriend on

    Send it to your CEO. I’d be horrified if that were my company.

  3. I would jump off a bridge if this were me. I have two standing 1-hour meetings a week and even those are torture.

  4. RavenheartIX on

    So it looks like your a data analyst. I like meetings. How do I get into becoming a data analyst?!

  5. areyouahuman on

    Thanks for sharing this, just did the same on mine. At 1765 meetings this year.

  6. lucky_ducker on

    There’s meetings, and then there’s *meetings.*

    Your meetings average 38 minutes, so I’m guessing most are short and unscheduled with small numbers of people. The company I retired from, a “meeting” was 60 minutes minimum, three hour meetings were not uncommon, and all day meetings were scheduled several times a year.

    651 hours represents 31% of the common 40-hour workweek (2080 hours / year).

  7. buddha_mjs on

    Oof. How much did all of these meetings move the bottom line?

    In a world where businesses are waking back up, and getting back to basics due to environmental pressures, they are relearning the only metrics worth tracking are the ones the accountants handle.

    4 meetings a day, no matter how fruitful, is the definition of waste. That’s a LOT of labor cost with no sellable product at the end.

    I think it was Warren Buffet who said, when he’s looking at a new business plan, he flips straight to the back to look at the financials, and if they are good enough he flips to the front cover to see what the business does. Can’t argue with his results.

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