NATO-Ausgaben nach Ländern pro Kopf: Top 15 Länder


  1. MrsBigglesworth-_- on

    From March 2024 List of top defense spending in NATO countries after new record of $2.2 Trillion, triggered by Russian invasion.

  2. MrsBigglesworth-_- on

    I was wondering if someone can explain this to me, is NATO 2% of per capita spent on defense largely to appease US by purchasing from their American arms manufacturing companies? Is that why Trump has been so vocal about other members fulfilling their 2% obligation?

  3. GiantEnemaCrab on

    Holy shit this article is aids. It gives you 15-6, then makes you click through a garbage ad-ridden slideshow. Here are the top 5 with per capita spending so no one has to deal with that.

    # 5. United Kingdom $965

    # 4. Denmark $1000

    # 3. Finland $1153

    # 2. Norway $1339

    # 1. United States $2220

    Might also be worth mentioning that per capita is a trash metric because it doesn’t take into account median gdp per country. Russian per capita spending is only $329.5 but compared to the average salary this is massive.

  4. johnniewelker on

    While spending per capita or GDP ratios are decent KPIs, I feel we lose something a good bit of nuance by focusing on these numbers. In fact, it encourages leaders to spend on frivolous military spending

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