​[OC] Deutschlands E-Auto-Gefälle: Ost vs. West 🚗⚡

Von DataPulseResearch


  1. DataPulseResearch on

    **Article:** [https://www.motointegrator.de/blog/autonation-im-wandel/](https://www.motointegrator.de/blog/autonation-im-wandel/
    **Main data source:** [https://www.kba.de/](https://www.kba.de/
    **Data:** [Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Q3Vrsjvl1OeYoqfiKa04FJnjDYYdmVUc75ODOwVgUys/edit?usp=sharing)
    **Tool:** Adobe Illustrator

    The mobility transition in Germany is in crisis: although more than 1.4 million electric cars were registered in 2024, the ambitious target of 15 million electric cars by 2030 is a long way off. A recent analysis by Motointegrator shows that the actual forecast for 2030 is around 4.4 million vehicles – less than a third of the target.

    The transition to electromobility, new mobility concepts and the need for digitalization and automation are challenging the industry. The question is not whether the transformation will succeed, but how quickly.

    **Key trends at a glance:**

     Electromobility: The trend towards e-cars is irreversible, but the mobility transition is stalling in Germany. 1.4 million e-cars were registered in 2024, but the target of 15 million by 2030 seems unattainable. Registrations are falling and there are clear regional differences between east and west.

     🛠️ Automation & connectivity: The shift towards connected and autonomous vehicles is changing mobility, but also creating new challenges in terms of adaptation and integration.

    🌍 Sustainability: car manufacturers must develop innovative solutions to reduce CO2 emissions and operate in a climate-friendly way. But the latest figures show that Germany still has a long way to go.

    **Why has the turnaround stalled?**

    The decline in registrations and the loss of subsidies for e-cars could have a significant impact on the pace of transformation.

    The regional gap between East and West Germany shows that not only political and economic factors, but also social conditions play a role.

    #mobility transition #electromobility #automotive industry #sustainability #innovation #future technologies #Germany

  2. rik-huijzer on

    That prediction at the bottom is bollocks. Phenomenon like this are never linear.

  3. All the rich people garage owners already either have an e-car or are gas junkies. That marked is saturated. And as long as I as a tenant don’t have the possibility to charge my car, I just can’t have one. You have to clear the few public charging stations after 2 or 4 hours – and good luck finding a parking lot afterwards. There are none.

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