Mehr als 6 Millionen Häuser sind in England von Überschwemmungen bedroht, sagt die Umweltbehörde | Berichten zufolge gefährden Flüsse, Meere und Oberflächengewässer Güter und diese Zahl könnte bis 2050 8 Millionen erreichen
From the article: More than 6m homes in England are at risk of flooding under the latest climate projections, a study by the Environment Agency has found.
This could rise to 8m – or one in four properties – by 2050, the study said.
New modelling shows the number of homes expected to flood has risen much higher than previously expected.
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In England, 6.3m properties are in areas at risk of flooding from one or a combination of rivers, the sea and surface water. Of these, 4.6m properties are in areas at risk of flooding from surface water. This is when extreme rainfall causes drainage systems to become overwhelmed, which can cause dangerous flash flooding. This projection is a 43% increase on the Environment Agency’s previous assessment.
There are 2.4 million properties in areas at risk of flooding from rivers and the sea. The modelling found an 88% increase in the number of properties at the highest levels of risk, where an area has a greater than one in 30 chance of flooding in any given year.
lol, that’s fucking hilarious. Humanity is too selfish and greedy to keep from killing itself.