„Ich habe mehr als 50 Bürgerverhaftungen durchgeführt“


Von Tartan_Samurai


  1. andrew_197 on

    Bit of a fool tbh, no amount of property, stock etc is worth risking your own safety.

    Only a matter of time until he’s seriously injured or killed. For what…?

  2. OkIndependent1667 on

    12 cameras with 4 on the way? With a 4 screen monitor system? Would be cheaper to set your shop up as a perspex tunnel and just get stuff for people when they get to the counter

  3. Girthenjoyer on

    The idea of that storeholders should just let shoplifters steal and hope the police do something, knowing they won’t, is so emblematic of the state of this country.

    We’re not empowered to defend our own property and are required instead to rely on a service that will do absolutely nothing to help us.

    Just let shop owners twat any thief in their shop and the problem disappears overnight

  4. Own_Wolverine4773 on

    “Anyone can arrest a person if they have reasonable grounds for believing a serious offence is being committed – but the National Police Chiefs Council says people should call 999 if a crime is taking place.”

    They mean call 999 in vain, as noone will show up

  5. Anonymous-Josh on

    Do we even have “citizens arrest”? I thought that was an American thing

  6. RaymondBumcheese on

    A guy tried to do this to me once. Some kids kicked his fence in and ran off, he came out, saw me walking down the street and started chanting ‘CITIZENS ARREST!’ at the top of his voice like he was trying to levitate a broomstick.

  7. Anonymous-Josh on

    If the government fixes people’s socioeconomic circumstances then they’ll do less crime and theft, which is (for the most part) done out of “necessity” rather than some evil hate. It’s shown by data and is very much better to prevent than the catch people at the act and fill up the prisons

  8. Difficult-Broccoli65 on

    We had mass police action against fucking copyright infringement a week or so ago yet they won’t attend actual robberies.


    Fuck the police.

  9. I thought I read that if you do this , the police have a tendency to say they can’t attend or can’t attend for hours and that you have to release the shoplifter?

  10. Shoplifting is just scummy behaviour, they’re not robin hood they’re thieving scroats

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