US-Beamte sagen, sie wollen Frieden für die Syrer. Ihre Taten erzählen eine ganz andere Geschichte.


    1. **From Ayman Mohyeldin, an MSNBC anchor who has long reported on the Middle East and the Arab world:**

      State Department spokesman Matt Miller also addressed the situation in Syria, [telling reporters,]( “The Syria policy that was developed during the latter stages of the Obama administration … that has largely carried through to this day ultimately, I would say, has led to the situation we’re in today.”

      By highlighting their approach to Syria and praising the actions of the Obama administration, it’s clear U.S. officials are trying to take some credit here. But they should think twice before celebrating their own policies — especially when you look at the United States’ role in Syria not only during the last few years, but also the last few decades. 

      **Read more:** [](

    2. It is clear that Netanyahu is not a US proxy or puppet. He and his government have their own regional goals just as the US have some of their own regional and global priorities.

      The US is not obliged to act against its interest and it is completely unclear why protecting the Syrian polity or security is a priority or obligation of the US. The author may wish it to be so but fails to explain why.

      In reality the Syrian situation appears to be far more directly influenced by the Syrian groups, Turkey, Israel and possibly Iran and Russia. These are complex and fluid enough – the US interest is far more limited (possibly monitoring ISIS etc).

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