Der wegen Chemiewaffenverbrechen angeklagte russische General ist bei einer Explosion in Moskau ums Leben gekommen. Berichten zufolge wurde Generalleutnant Igor Kirillow, der Chef der Strahlungs-, chemischen und biologischen Abwehrtruppen der russischen Streitkräfte, bei einer Explosion getötet
What a shame. Some novichok underwear would have been a fitting cause of death for him.
Is it the same general who was telling funny fakes about combat mosquitos 🦟 produced by bio labs in Ukraine?
>On Monday, Kirillov was charged in Ukraine for the use of banned chemical weapons in Ukraine
>Kirillov had already been sanctioned by the UK, and others, for his role in Russia’s use of chemical weapons
Russia started using CS gas and possibly more toxic lachrymatory (tear gas) agents on the battlefield, which are illegal in warfare under the Chemical Weapons Convention.
In was a pretty glorious, there is video of and the aftermath footage on telegram
Oh no, anyway.