Nur eine freundliche Erinnerung:
Ab dem 1. Januar 2025 (in 2 Wochen) werden alle US-Börsen (z. B. Kraken, Coinbase) damit beginnen, Ihre Kryptotransaktionen über das direkt an das IRS zu melden 1099-DA.
Fast während der gesamten bisherigen Existenz von Kryptowährungen mussten US-Benutzer Kryptowährungsgewinne selbst steuerlich angeben (viele taten dies nicht oder gaben einfach zu wenig an). Wenn Sie jedoch im nächsten Jahr (2025) Verkaufstransaktionen an der Börse Ihrer Wahl durchführen, werden diese automatisch dem IRS gemeldet.
Besonders erwähnenswert: Wenn Sie Münzen haben, die Sie schon lange besitzen (z. B. aus diesem Jahr oder früher) und diese nächstes Jahr verkaufen, wird das IRS feststellen, dass Sie über Münzen verfügen Kostenbasis 0 $. Und Sie müssen sie vorzeigen, wenn Sie Ihre Münzen erworben haben. Wenn Sie beispielsweise seit 2020 DOGE besitzen und Ihre Kostenbasis 0,002 US-Dollar beträgt (und DOGE jetzt 0,40 US-Dollar beträgt), müssen Sie die Transaktion aus dem Jahr 2020 angeben, bei der Sie DOGE für 0,002 US-Dollar gekauft haben, und alle Kapitalgewinne aus der Differenz zahlen. Außerdem werden sie wahrscheinlich Ihre anderen Geschäfte von damals prüfen und Ihnen alle anderen nicht gemeldeten Gewinne in Rechnung stellen.
TL;DR: Sie haben etwa zwei Wochen Zeit, um Ihre Bücher aufzuräumen, Ihre Gewinne zu sichern und sicherzustellen, dass Krypto und USD genau dort sind, wo Sie sie haben möchten, wenn der 1. Januar vor der Tür steht.
US crypto hodlers: You have about 2 weeks before the 1099-DA goes into effect.
byu/ADogeMiracle inCryptoCurrency
That cost basis requirement is tricky as hell what with multiple exchanged being made illegal here. How are you supposed to provide cost basis when you can’t access your old account?
So dump your bags and get off the crypto train?
Fk taxes stupid outdated system should have been the first crypto project
Edit: Followed by a proper identification and voting blockchain system
There’s gonna be so many judgy faces when they see the type of coins people buy. lol.
What about my transactions for 2024?
Oh shit, I had no idea about this. My crypto taxes have already been an enormous pain in the ass, and this is going to be a nightmare. I’m not trying to avoid paying, but it can be a challenge to always have the appropriate records. Guess I’ll be forced to hodl.
I got a 1099 from coinbase last year.
This was the plan for all those extra irs agents.
Basis is always tricky with wallets and multiple exchanges etc.
If you don’t sell you don’t pay taxes…
What if you’re like me and have an overall loss instead of gains 😩 because someone exists that is so bad at this that they are somehow $7k under despite starting in 2017
That’s why I paid my taxes up front. No time for this.
Biden has been an absolute disaster for cryptocurrency. I am hoping that we finally get all of this straightened out.
Who said you have to sell to take profit?
“You gained how much from…fartcoin?”
Good thing I’ve used Koinly the past 4 years.
So if I use Koinly and pay all my taxes already am I good?
Aren’t they unrealized gains until they’re sold? Billionaires do this 💩all of the time. It’s not considered income
> Especially noteworthy: If you have coins that you’ve held for a long time (e.g. from this year or before) and you sell them next year, the IRS will see that you have $0 cost basis. And you will have to show them when you acquired your coins. For example, if you held DOGE from 2020 and your cost basis is $0.002 (and DOGE is now $0.40), you’ll have to provide the 2020 transaction where you bought DOGE for $0.002 and pay all the capital gains on the difference. Plus they’ll likely audit your other trades from back then and bill you for any other unreported gains.
This is super easy to do, literally every major exchange not only sends you emails each time you buy/sell but also records them and you can download them.
Jokes on you – nothing but loses here. Do I get a tax credit? I’m like -7k
I have been in this game for years and haven’t tracked a single thing. How stupid would it be to cash out completely before the end of the year and rebuy after the first?
What if you put it all on a cold wallet???
This seems useful:
The main issue here for most people will be the digging up of potentially unreported gains in previous years.
It’s been a pain in the ass and expensive, but I’m glad I’ve been doing my best to pay taxes using Koinly the past few years.
So if I transferred 10 sol to my wallet. Bought a meme coin and sold for 50 sol. The. Bought 50 sol of another coin and sold it all for 2 sol. Do I owe taxes on the 40 sol?
Just sell once you’re down a lot and then buy back immediately and report the losses to offset any gains 👌 do it while we still can, while crypto still isn’t a security…