Kosova wird seine eigene Munition nach NATO-Standards produzieren. Dies ist eine weitere große Verbesserung seitens der Kurti-Regierung!


Von AIbanian


  1. Albaaneesi on

    I’d rather see us produce technology, medicine, food or books, other than weapons. Sadly it’s not possible with this insecure world we live in.

  2. ExtremeEchidna5226 on

    Veq me menu mos me pas pas albinin qito 4 vjet , ende ishmi marr me temen se kur po na hiqen vizat … se integrimi i veriut , foorcimi i ushtris shtesat e femive etj etj as qe ishin kan me mend e lere me me prodhu na aramtim . Po tasht kur tvie rendi me votu e shperblejm apet me vot .

  3. BitRepulsive2260 on

    Hey, how do you see Turkey? Whats the opinion in this sub about them?

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