Die iranische Luftwaffe schießt auf UAP und versucht, es abzuschießen

Von Crystalline3ntity


  1. ChuchiTheBest on

    To the aliens, this must be like watching a chimpanzee attempting to breach the glass of his zoo enclosure.

  2. captainhyena12 on

    The Ayatollah has just become Saddam East at this point 😂 always beating their chest talking about how strong and great their military is while still using world war II technology for air defense 😂

  3. BillSixty9 on

    When was this taken? I wouldn’t be shooting at these things myself.

  4. RoachdoggJR_LegalAcc on

    Maybe it’s a target flare? Idk though, it seems awful stationary and that doesn’t look like a place where target practice would take place.

  5. ConsistentContest911 on

    Shooting at Ufo now, Iran, really let’s start an interstellar war fucking tards

  6. ReboundRodman91 on


    They’re shooting at enemy drones, this clip is months old.

    Stop making shit up.

  7. it does appear to be a physical object as its activating the proximity fuses.

  8. slipknot_official on

    Any random light in any video is now a UAP. Welcome to the end of 2024.

  9. farmerbalmer93 on

    Having lived next to an army range my whole life I can tell you this IS a flair no if no but, it is a flair…

  10. f*ck it… i’ll give it a thumbs up by that dont look like target practice or a flare to me and the residents arent acting like this is a normal routine. calling it a UAP in the title is what’s the issue. would’ve been better to just say “Iran military engaging at an unidentified object over *location and date here*”… saying UAP just doesnt fit right bc of the association to conspiracy community… since it could possibly be a target flare, but i dunno.

    what im trying to say is that the titling is hurting this bc a lot of ppl see the term “UAP” and roll their eyes. especially in a combat footage sub… even though this does technically meet the criteria in the definition.

  11. Psychological-Let-90 on

    Please DO NOT shoot at the possible aliens that have traveled across intergalactic space.

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