Trudeau ernennt LeBlanc zum kanadischen Finanzminister, während die Regierung im Chaos ist


  1. CorneredSponge on

    Great, another person with zero actual financial or economic education. That said, I will hold actual judgement, especially considering he will not be FM for long.

    Edit: I think LeBlanc is the right pick for stability, not necessarily making hard economic decisions or standing up to Trudeau for what he genuinely believes.

  2. He’s a loyalist who will do what he’s told. It’s on brand for Trudeau. I bet those cheques are gonna be back on the table now too.

    I wonder how long before he prorogues?

  3. HeartfulPigeon on

    Oh Christ, the guy whose family members, friends, all happen to be placed in prominent positions, and whose sister-in-law had to step down as ethics commissioner after the House decided to investigate her appointment? That Dominic LeBlanc?

  4. Dave Cochrane ( the Power and Politics Host) put it quite apt in saying that he is essentially the Minister of Janitorial Services… he gets dumped every portfolio that crumbles.

    LeBlanc can’t juggle Finance and Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs.

    Trudeau HAS to be done at this point.

  5. Professional-Cry8310 on

    Enough to get through today but I don’t think think this government lasts much longer regardless.

  6. TwoCreamOneSweetener on

    This is at the very least a sign that Trudeau doesn’t intend to Prorogue Parliament, and wants a Liberal government to hold out.

    As to whether or not he’ll resign and appoint a successor is to be seen. This government is dead in the water regardless, and the PMO is only delaying the inevitable.

    The Grit circus is over, and now the Tory carnival begins. I fear what government no solution PP will bring, but I don’t think it’ll be good for Canadians.

  7. As one of the CBC reporters said:

    “The Minister of Janitorial Affairs”; LeBlanc comes in to clean up the mess every time there is an issue in government.

    My guess is he ends up as the Liberals Kim Cambell.

    Trudeau will resign and LeBlanc will lead the Liberals into the inevitable crushing loss.

  8. Really “chaos”.. who writes this shit? We get it you hate JT and the Liberals and you probably have a F*#k Trudeau flag over your bed but grow up. I’m not a JT fan but this is just childish.

  9. He is becoming a latter day John Manley at this point.

    A sure sign of the impending doom of the Trudeau government.

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