2 Tote, Verdächtiger bei Schießerei in einer Schule in Madison, Wisconsin, tot, teilte die Polizei mit



  1. Bluestorm123 on

    So, hanging the ten commandments won’t prevent this /s. I used to say to myself how many more children’s lives will it take to make a significant change in gun policy. I don’t believe it ever will and that’s sad af

  2. Just another day and school shooting in America where government and the GOP cares little or not at all about the safety of our children.

  3. Scentopine on

    Republicans and the NRA refuse to accept sensible gun laws. Every time innocent people die in a mass shooting, Republicans accept this as a sacrifice similar to an ancient Mayans ritual.

    The parallels are not far fetched. The discussion among the right is that this is the price of freedom. Right wing blood lust is a septic mix of religion, cult, and fear of being shamed as weak. This is the reason why anyone can by a gun and kill lots of people in a few seconds.

    To Republicans, sacrificing children and innocent people is a small sacrifice to their imaginary God. They believe their uncompromising worship of guns will be rewarded by their Jesus, who as we all know, was an American hero, not afraid to bust a cap in a thugs head. Besides, being Christian means you are forgiven. So, no worries. Live like human shit on Earth, your reward awaits in heaven.

    So watch on Fox News as Republican Mullahs calm everyone down by explaining mass shootings as a necessary sacrifice to the gods of freedom.

    We could change this if 18 to 24 yr olds would simply vote for candidates who support sensible gun restrictions. No one alive during the formation of the country would ever accept 21st century technology and its horrible and unregulated means to mass violence as consistent with their intent in the constitution.

    Of course, 18 to 24 yr old participation in government (including voting) is at an all time low and trending even lower next election.

    So, in a democracy this is the violence every fucking PoS who votes for the gun nuts on the ballot, or decides to sit this one out, deserves.

  4. UnusualAir1 on

    Not to worry. Republicans have stopped abortions in an effort to increase the number of children in this country. No need for thoughts and prayers as we currently in a surplus. /s

  5. Meanwhile the sick bastards that crawl out of mommy’s basement have total access to purchasing semi automatics without anyone batting an eye.

  6. > Police said the two people who died in the shooting were a teenage student and a teacher.


    > Abundant Life Christian School


  7. wolfwood51 on

    Start the parade of republican senators and congressmen offering their “thoughts and prayers” while acting like they care

  8. Spiteful_sprite12 on

    Why wouldn’t God stop that bad guy with a gun… Didn’t we pray hard enough to end school shootings? Why are his listening skills the same as our politicians 

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