Dies wirft seit 2016 die Frage auf, warum die Türkei den von der Türkei besetzten Teil „Nordsyrien“ nicht in einen Vasallenstaat wie Abchasien oder Nordzypern verwandelt hat. Wäre das nicht sinnvoller?



  1. If I was to fathom a guess: North Cyprus is much more easy to occupy and run due to a lack of active military activity on the island. Cyprus is not an active war site like Syria. Occupying a region is a lot easier than running a state. The region of Northern Syria is also still extremely diverse, unlike North Cyprus which is (now) more homogeneous and has a more collective identity as a nation state. Besides that, declaring Northern Syria independent would be against international law and likely piss off a good amount of Syrians.

    Turkey is IMO working this situation well. They are developing closer ties to the new Syrian government and will like negotiate some power sharing agreement and security guarantees

  2. whats_a_quasar on

    They basically did do that for the duration of the war. Northern Syria was sort of a Turkish protectorate. It is hard to say precisely because there are so many factions with different degrees of support from Turkey. HTS seems to have been quite friendly with Turkey but largely independent – there is reporting that Turkey new about the plans for the offensive and objected, but HTS proceeded anyway. There is another rebel faction that is secular, the Syrian National Army (SNA), which controlled other parts of the north, and I have heard them described as mercenaries employed by Turkey.

    But it is much better for Turkey to have a Syria that’s unified under a new Turkish-allied regime, rather than trying to keep a breakaway pseudo-state in the north. International opinion would be be very critical if they supported separatists, and I also don’t think there is popular will on the ground in favor of maintaining a breakaway government. Turkey most of all wants a stable Syria that will maintain order on the Syrian-Turkish border, stop future refugees, allow Turkey to repatriate existing refugees, and possibly help them suppress the Kurds. They seem well positioned to get that from whatever transitional government emerges, and trying to maintain an Abkhazia-like pseudo-state would I think be counterproductive.

  3. complex_scrotum on

    Why everyone is silent on turkey occupying Cyprus and Syria in the first place. Where are the “Free Cyprus/Syria” people?

  4. asdsadnmm1234 on

    Northern Cyprus has Turks while Northern Syria is mostly Arab. They are not even similar situations.

  5. FourArmsFiveLegs on

    Turkey would wipe out Kurds doing this. Not good for them moving forward

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