Ukrainische Streitkräfte setzen Laserwaffe „Tryzub“ zum Abschuss von Flugzeugen ein


  1. Complex_Mention_8495 on

    This is so crazy. While Russia throws all sorts of ancient vehicles into this war, Ukraine now has a laser cannon.

  2. Imaginary_Deal_1807 on

    Ukraine will come out of this war with sovereignty and the most advanced military weapony built in-house.

  3. HexIsNotACrime on

    As nice as it is, at present ruski fly far from the Frontline. Support is given by dropping bombs as far as 50-60km from the front. Can’t wait to see it used as anti-shahed/drones and missile thou. As a laser shot is significantly cheaper than any air defense.

  4. Archelaus_Euryalos on

    The sad thing is that this means any missile with US parts, even European ones.

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