Mann, der damit prahlte, Opfer geschlagen zu haben, wurde zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt

Von Important_Farmer924


  1. Important_Farmer924 on

    I’d say we’ve all met a small town gowl like this. Good enough for the cunt.

  2. Callme-Sal on

    >Boland, who was on bail at the time for a separate attack…

    Of course he was

  3. This scumbag should never be allowed on the streets ever again.

    I know many people are against it but for people like him I would favour the death penalty as opposed to the taxpayer funding his incarceration for the rest of his life.

  4. pablo8itall on

    Some scumbag grin.

    I hope he feels that sentence. Manslaughter me arse.

  5. Last_Lobster4503 on

    I don’t mean to be insensitive but why is it a murder charge and not a manslaughter charge ? If someone here knows law I’d love to know.

  6. Horrendous story. Life in jail isn’t enough for that waste of oxygen.

  7. KillerKlown88 on

    Another person murdered by the Government and their refusal to lock up repeat and violent offenders.

    Make no mistake, he would be alive today if we actually punished criminals.

  8. ‘Boland has 23 previous convictions and was on bail for another attack when he attacked Mr Gallagher.’

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. We need to make Judges liable if they hand down an unduly lenient or suspended sentence. If the person reoffends, the next victim or their family should be able to sue the judge.

  9. 37! What a pathetic POS. You can kind of understand and still condemn some idiot 19 year old causing a fight. Young men do really stupid things, but a 37 year old!!

    So glad he got life. Actually infuriating that someone is dead because of this worthless idiot.

  10. ignaciopatrick100 on

    Boland has 23 previous convictions and was on bail for another attack.
    That’s disgusting,sorry for the poor family,this should never have happened.

  11. Loose_Mode_5369 on

    At what point are the public going to start pointing the finger at the state in cases like these? A “justice” system that continues to put violent criminals like this murdering scumbag back on the street must eventually be held accountable for what those criminals do when released

  12. DatJazzIsBack on

    23 previous convictions and he is on bail. At what point do we say judges are complicit in these cases?

  13. stateofyou on

    There was an earlier discussion about masculinity on r/askreddit, asking men what aspect they find strange. The “big man complex” is something that most men hate, and it’s obviously dangerous.

  14. Otherwise-Winner9643 on

    *”Boland has 23 previous convictions and was on bail for another attack when he attacked Mr Gallagher.”*

    I’d say most of the crimes in this country are done by the same small minority. It was like the drop in burglaries after those scumbags were killed in the N7 crash

    A former prison guard told me that it was extremely rare to see a brand new face entering. They were generally welcoming back previous tenants.

  15. FedNlanders123 on

    Every village/town in Ireland has one. An absolute waster/moron who contributes only pure fucking shithousry and destruction to society and little in the way of anything else. This lad is your typical brainless, witless dumb fuck who will now spend the rest of his life in prison thank God.

  16. Calm-Raise6973 on

    I hope every day in prison is a miserable one for him. A waste of flesh with no chance of being rehabilitated.

  17. >Boland has 23 previous convictions and was on bail for another attack when he attacked Mr Gallagher.

    The State is failing victims of violent crime when repeat offenders are walking the streets unimpeded. At the laughable thing is, 23 previous is rookie numbers compared to the chaps with 80, 90, or 100+ convictions. At what point do we enact meaningful change so that there is proper and adequate justice for victims in this country?

  18. Tactical_Laser_Bream on

    He just looks like _that_ fella we all know from our hometown, doesn’t he? Even down to the stupid ear cigarette. 

  19. feedthebear on

    Another victim of our revolving door justice system. I’d love to know the judges who let this guy off easy time and again. 

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