Ranking der Medienqualität von Zeitungen und Sendungen. Was sind deine Favoriten?


Von LenaRybakina


  1. Republik, Tagesanzeiger and SRF.

    What the hell is „Heidi News“? I am Swiss, born and raised, lived here almost 40 years, and have never heard of this.

  2. Big time NZZ, you can disagree with their opinion pieces, but their articles generally provide a fair amount of details and also are able to situate the relevance of news quite well. Otherwise I read a mix of the others.
    I read WOZ sometimes, but I wouldn’t call them top for a Sunday news/magazine…

  3. Uff at the “Le Nouvelliste”. People believe they are reading an okish to good newspaper when according to this it’s as bad as “20 Minutes” quality wise.

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