Es wird ein interessanter Abend werden, wenn ich versuche, von Interlaken nach Genf zurückzukehren. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie und ich hoffe, dass bis 6 Uhr alles geklärt ist. Im Moment bleiben wir in Spiez, bis etwas geklärt ist. Habe ich genügend Wörter hinzugefügt, um zu verhindern, dass mein Beitrag von dem beschissenen Automod automatisch entfernt wird? Und im Ernst, WTF ist der Punkt dabei?!
Von Shooppow
rest in peace to the guy that died, and condolences to their family.
We don’t talk about it.
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated occurrence at this time of year. At least thats how I perceive it.
The SBB purposely doesn’t publicize these things, in order to avoid giving others ideas.
I think it would be better for you to take this down too, to be honest.
Poor train driver 🙁
stop traumatizing rail employees
What is the point of this post? It serves no purpose for anyone that isn’t currently taking transport. Who is getting transport updates from reddit anyway? And it is so disrespectful to the person to publicise their death.
Oh poor baby gonna be late because someone had the audacity to be so f*cking miserable that their only solution is to end their lives.
If you’re in Spiez and you have to go to Geneva, couldn’t you go over Brig instead? Might be faster than waiting until the problem is solved.