Von Charming-Guarantee21


  1. Kids don’t even like them, they just like the packaging. Once they taste them, they stop eating.  It’s a huge money grab for the company 

  2. They are poisoning everyone. Sick people = more profits (and can’t resist anything). 

  3. Accurate-Oil7072 on

    never ate these in elementary school always thought they were disgusting

  4. lol, love how they’re lumping sodium together with fucking lead and cadmium…one of these things is not like the other.

  5. MyAlternate_reality on

    Yeah, wait until the people find out they want your kid to take hormones and hormone blockers. They will never believe it.

  6. keyinfleunce on

    So I’m curious has the priority always been f the kids cause how is there more poison in kids food than anything else lmao

  7. keyinfleunce on

    Guys learn how to cook and teach your kids how to garden things are going to get rough they want us unable to think for ourselves and lot of kids already have no problem solving skills at all

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