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***The Telegraph reports:***
[Bashar al-Assad](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/12/08/bashar-assad-second-son-history-leads-to-fall-russia-iran/) has said [Russia forced him to flee Syria](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/12/11/russian-agents-bashar-al-assad-lose-rebel-fight-escape/) and that he wanted to continue fighting the “terrorist onslaught”.
In his first statement since the fall of Damascus, the former president said that he went to the Russian air base in [Latakia](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/12/16/russia-scrambles-to-reinforce-libya-assad-syria-collapse/) on Dec 8 to “oversee combat operations” as the capital was taken by the rebels.
After the base came under drone fire, Moscow ordered an immediate evacuation to Russia, Assad said.
“At no point during these events did I consider stepping down or seeking refuge, nor was such a proposal made by any individual or party,” he said.
Assad then went on to claim that he had never betrayed his country for personal gain and had throughout the war “stood alongside officers and soldiers of the army on the front lines, just metres from the terrorists”.
“This does not, in any way, diminish my profound sense of belonging to Syria and her people,” he added.
Assad, who Russia says is now [living in asylum in Moscow with his family](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/12/06/russia-assads-rescue-citizens-leave-syria/), released the statement on Monday via the Syrian presidency’s Telegram channel.
**Read more:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/12/16/assad-says-russia-forced-him-to-flee-syria/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/12/16/assad-says-russia-forced-him-to-flee-syria/)
If he wanted to stay, he could have. And end up like he deserves…
thats the best he could come up with?
Probably getting sent to gulag with them Yassad pics
They forced him to go with about [250M$ in cash](https://www.ft.com/content/84ef8bdd-d070-431d-90f6-332937911096) I guess… Totally not planned. /s
Never have I seen such a cowardly and bloody dictator
100% believe he was pushed out. I think it is really simple: Putin wanted to avoid another Gaddafi video (and the optics associated with that) so they quietly snuck him out of the country. I won’t post a link you can google it yourself.
I think this is by far the simplest explanation for why they did it this way. Putin *must* maintain the appearance of being in control. His entire regime depends on this; all other considerations are secondary.
If the rebels had captured and “Gaddafi’d” Assad, this would be 100% non-viable option, so Assad **had** to leave.
Do we have any proof that he is really in Russia and is alive?! I mean, he hasn’t appeared once on tv since he allegedly fled to russia
“I tripped and fell out of Damascus”—Cpt. Bashar Al-Schettino
> Assad then went on to claim that he had never betrayed his country for personal gain and had throughout the war “stood alongside officers and soldiers of the army on the front lines, just metres from the terrorists”.
A real Alexander like figure…
Kinda useless to start a PR campaign after he already lost. If he wanted the respect of his people and more importantly his military he should have made a video while his enemies were moving toward his city. Like Zelenskyy did on recent past. If your country is ruled top down by only one important person it just cannot survive without him/her/them on the throne. It was true in ancient times and it’s true today with modern day dictators.