Geoff Russ: Kanadas scheiternder Multikulturalismus muss neu überdacht werden


  1. Deflator1663 on

    “Newcomers must leave Old-World passions and bigotries behind”

    Yeah they should ignore wars and conflicts that are powered by Canadian weapons, just like the rest of us Canadians.

  2. InherentlyUntrue on

    I agree entirely, and we should start by examining foreign ownership of Canadian media outlets.

  3. RicoLoveless on

    Have they tried not importing people from 1 country, and of that one country, from 2 regions?

    It’s not diversity.

    Have they tried bringing people over with actual skills besides riding a bike?

  4. slumlordscanstarve on

    We should have had a values test a long time ago. Leave your hate at the door or don’t come here.

  5. Justin_123456 on

    Yeah, no.

    This assimilationist rhetoric is in direct contradiction of 50 years of successful multiculturalism policy that has made us the envy of the world, for integrating new comers into the Canadian project.

    Did this author skip their 7th grade social studies class, because “how is the Canadian mosaic, different from the American melting pot” was definitely on the test.

  6. CitySeekerTron on

    I thought there might be a modicum of thought by PostNews. Then I sqw the header image and realized that I was gravely mistaken; apparently they equate taking away Israel’s carte blanche bombardments of the people of Palestine (who they describe as non-existent) with the horrors of the holocaust and the murder of six million Jewish people by the Nazis. 

    Antisemitism is on the rise, but it’s being fueled in part by opportunistic bastards and by Benjamin Netanyahu’s own policies and statements that he represents all Jews. It’s a twisted ecosystem of hate.

  7. funwhenitsdark on

    It’s up to Canadian citizens to demand this of our MPs. Whether you’ve been here 1 generation or 10, if you’re a Canadian citizen, you have the right to be heard. This isn’t a skin colour thing, this is a citizenship thing.

    Leave your shit behind, we have work to do rebuilding what we’ve got here.

  8. Sudden_Albatross_816 on

    We need to roll back our Immigration Act and abolish multiculturalism being state policy

  9. beugeu_bengras on

    Bwahahaahah, its always funny to see how right Quebec prediction was about the end result of that social experiement.

    Next time, instead of calling us all the -ism -and -phobic name under the sun, try to listen to what we are saying. An outside perspective may help you see stuff that your dont want to see about yourself.

  10. BitingArtist on

    Multiculturalism was a lie to flood the market with cheap labour. All they do is lie to citizens to enrich the rich.

  11. It’s not failing.mumticulturalism, we don’t have the infrastructure and our mega corps are exploiting the immigrants that come. We need to.clean the house some before we have the world over for tea.

  12. ElvisFan222 on

    I live in a small city (less than 50k) and every retail store and restaurant hires indians exclusively and gym is now 50% visible minorities.

    This what happens when you run a credit nation via world bank bonds. People stop having 10 kids per family and need to import them to keep the ponzi going.

  13. the_sound_of_a_cork on

    Multiculturalism and immigration are not the problems, and the comment section is laden with those assertions. Immigration built Canada and it has been a very successful model.

    The issue that needs to be examined, is the government’s pro policy on cultural relativism.

  14. I have always thought one of the few things the US does better than Canada is having a ‘fit in or fuck off’ type of approach to immigration.

  15. Appropriate_Car_3711 on

    It’s not only Canada where it has failed. Uk, Australia, France – it inevitably leads to conflict.

  16. Is it a failure of multiculturalism? Or is it a failure of the government to provide affordable housing, good jobs, infrastructure, government services. Prevent massive increase in Immigrants all at once.

  17. FinalAnything5871 on

    Well if you bring in 10 million people from the grape capital of the world then yeah multiculturalism will fail

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