Der 10. Berg der Ukraine. Das 109. Bataillon der Angriffsbrigade (Edelweiß) veröffentlichte seine eigene Sicht auf den groß angelegten russischen mechanisierten Angriff, der am 14. Dezember abgewehrt wurde. Zu den Zielen gehörten 2 MT-LBs, 1 BMP und 34 feindliche Infanterie (24 KIA, 10 WIA). Veröffentlicht am 16. Dezember 2024

Von Voldesad


  1. Note: This video was originally 1.24 gigabytes in file size, which exceeded the 1.0 gigabyte file size limit for reddit posts. Consequently, I had to compress the file, and although I used high quality settings for the compression, I am sure there are viewers who would like the full size version. For those viewers, the video’s source on Telegram is t(dot)me/OGSHB_109/822

    Also included in this post is video of a subsequent Russian infantry assault wave, repelled by UA 10th Mtn. Assault Brigade’s Motorized Battalion, published on December 16th.

    ETA: The same brigade’s 108th Battalion (“Arkan”) posted new video a few minutes ago, showing even more Russian infantry attacks in the same sector. Seems like a very busy section of the front.
    [Link to the video from ‘Arkan’ here.](

  2. And i was asking myself “what happened to dragon drones?” a minute ago

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