Verluste des russischen Militärs bis 16.12.2024



  1. Suspicious-Fox- on

    82 vehicles. Supply was never Russia’s strong suit. The winter months are going to be nasty for the troops in the forward positions.

  2. Lopsided-Insurance26 on

    Imagine waking up knowing your the 1000+ about to be fucked up today

  3. nvmbernine on

    It should be born in mind that the numbers here are only those which can be accounted for.

    It’s very probable the numbers, for personnel especially, are in all actuality far higher than these.

  4. socialistrob on

    That’s an average of 745 casualties per day since the full scale invasion began. Remember there was a time when 300 or 400 was considered average and 700 would be a high loss day for Russia. It seems as their access to quality weapons and equipment has diminished their casualties have risen dramatically.

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