Anti-Houthi-Stammmilizionär im Jemen mit einem M48-Gewehr (jugoslawischer Kar98k/M24/Gewehr 98-Klon). [2021]

Von CaliRecluse


  1. That guy is brave as fuck taking aimed shots with a museum piece with rounds incoming.

  2. steel_rat2003 on

    I had one of those. Quite accurate up to 1000 m. If you can see that far.

  3. The-Promised on

    I have come to realize that Yemnis whether Houthi ‘s or not they are some of the most damn brave fighters. These guys are just made for war

  4. Clean_Increase_5775 on

    For long range fighting this weapon is more than acceptable

  5. nousersavailable03 on

    Man I know some people like to make fun of the old guns but one well placed shot can ruin ur day 😭

  6. asiannumber4 on

    The universe does not care if the weapon is outdated or not. No matter how it’s deployed, a piece of metal going faster than the speed of sound ripping into your lung is still incompatible with life

  7. TheyveKilledFritzz on

    Using his support hand to aim the rifle when he has a solid support to rest the rifle on….gona guess he’s one of the milita not trained by military forces….and actually it makes sense considering the rifle he’s using lol.

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