Oberstes Gericht in Japan entscheidet, dass das Verbot der gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe verfassungswidrig ist
Mitt Romney prognostiziert, dass JD Vance 2028 GOP-Kandidat sein wird: „MAGA ist die Republikanische Partei“ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/12/15/mitt-romney-jd-vance-republican-2028/77008014007/
OneEyedC4t on 15.12.2024 8:11 PM Yeah, we already knew that the Republican party had lost its way,Mitt Romney. Thank you for keeping the Republican parties moral collapse on our minds
This is Duhhh
Yeah, we already knew that the Republican party had lost its way,Mitt Romney. Thank you for keeping the Republican parties moral collapse on our minds