Gage Haubrich: Das Waffenverbot funktioniert nicht, das weiß Trudeau bereits


  1. dingobangomango on

    If you’re someone who believes trickle-down economics doesn’t work, then please explain to me how trickle-down gun control is supposed to work.

    This is all at the expense of scapegoating gun owners and further dividing society so that diehard LPC partisans in the 905 in and 514 can get their red meat. Why the fuck can a white person not use “weapons of war” to hunt but the Indigenous can? Why do their Treaty Rights get to usurp the public safety of Canadians?

    Spending hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars, to confiscate guns with no empirical evidence or statistics to support these measures is the definition of political extremism.

  2. icedesparten on

    It’s obviously being done for purely political purposes, the safety aspect is obviously not happening and won’t ever happen.

  3. TheBoringOwl on

    No party is willing to put the screws to America for creating a massive gun smuggling business. Nothing will change.

  4. Hazard4UrHealth on

    This is so funny to me, and should be to anyone with the most minimal capacity of higher thought. Banning those scary rifles with the pistol grips and polymer stocks, when the rifles with wooden stocks could never hurt a soul. Most of all those scary “assault style weapons” shouldn’t be in the hands of those law abiding gun owners, you know those ones who are least likely to break the law.
    God what an absolute joke, with the most basic of research you can see this ban does nothing but piss off voters. How about we see some real change by giving more funding to the CBSA so they can hire more officers, so they have the manpower to stop the smuggling of weapons into the country. Or focus more police efforts into finding illegal firearms once they’ve entered the country. I know what I’m saying isn’t easy, but if you think there’s an easy solution to gun crime you’re about as brainless as the PM. God what a joke he is.

  5. beeredditor on

    Most gun owners will simply ignore the new gun ban and gamble that PP will reverse it next year. This new ban will accomplish absolutely nothing.

  6. Pat2004ches on

    It was never meant to work. It was meant to appease small minded people who think that guns are the problem. I’ve lived with guns my whole life. Learned how to use them, to take care of them… never once considered using one to harm someone. They are a tool – just like a car, an axe, a hammer – those tools kill people as well.

  7. Last_Operation6747 on

    Who would’ve thought that if you target lawful gun owners who don’t commit crime that gun crime wouldn’t be affected.

  8. TheRobfather420 on

    Lots of people glossing over the fact this was one of his main campaign promises to supporters and he was elected 3 times. Regardless of the perceived effectiveness, people that voted for him did expect this. Many supported it.

  9. Gun bans are a long and difficult thing to do with the changing scope of politics. It may not be working at 100% but it’s a step in the right direction. Don’t ignore the positives just because it does not solve the entire problem.

  10. DamageLate6124 on

    Canadians generally believe in responsible gun ownership, including background checks, licensing, and registering firearms.

    What I don’t believe is when Trudeau and the LPC randomly ban certain models as a political game to create a wedge issue. They never actually provide proper refunds or take away what they are banning, it just financially punishes the law abiding owners and does nothing else, the guns are all still out there, they never come actually take them, because they know it’s not a big threat in the hands of licensed owners.

    If Trudeau wants to make Canada safer, go after the people smuggling the illegal unregistered guns into the country, and hold America accountable for flooding North America with new production firearms that aren’t registered in any way. Trudeau never speaks up about America’s gun companies selling guns they KNOW will end up with criminals and be smuggled, he never speaks up about how these companies keep no track of who’s buying them at all.

    This is a tragedy, and it has nothing to do with regular Canadians who are law abiding citizens and responsible gun owners. The Liberals KNOW this, but this has nothing to do with them making Canada safer, and everything to do with them creating more wedge issues in an attempt to hold power.

    Let’s get real about ending gun violence and stop blaming the law abiding gun owners.

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