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great_whitehope on 15.12.2024 1:02 PM I thought it was crazy they didn’t just give you with your first purchase of the cans
B4bulj on 15.12.2024 2:51 PM I was (un)lucky enough to get one for free. Absolutely useless piece of shit with more expensive cans.
Barryd09 on 15.12.2024 4:11 PM It’s a considerably better option to have than the old widget cans. Eventually, in the next few years Guinness will phase out the widget cans and nitrosurge will all that will be available to buy.
I thought it was crazy they didn’t just give you with your first purchase of the cans
I was (un)lucky enough to get one for free. Absolutely useless piece of shit with more expensive cans.
It’s a considerably better option to have than the old widget cans.
Eventually, in the next few years Guinness will phase out the widget cans and nitrosurge will all that will be available to buy.
I’m a big fan of them.