Die 2 Johnnies-Weihnachtsfeier in der 3Arena: Es ist leicht, sich über die Banalität und Grobheit lustig zu machen, aber irren sich 13.000 glückliche Fans?


Von badger-biscuits


  1. DazzlingGovernment68 on

    I could sneer but it’s comedy (right?), it’s not right or wrong, it’s taste.

  2. Tommy_Vercetti-98 on

    There’s no right or wrong with comedy, it’s either to your taste or it isn’t. Hope everyone who enjoys them had a good time.

  3. They’re not my cup of tea but I’m happy they’re doing well. They’ve worked hard to get there without the usual south Dublin/RTE nepo connections and seem like good lads.

    Good for them!

  4. Basic-Negotiation-16 on

    I cant even let a tiktok of them play cause i find them so annoying, but 13000 people at the very least enjoy them so good luck to them hope they enjoyed it

  5. 4_feck_sake on

    Art is subjective. They aren’t my cup of tea, but they clearly have an audience and fair play to them for making a successful career out of it.

  6. Local_Food8205 on

    I mean its not for me, but I get the appeal. if people enjoy it, its fine, I’ve learned being less of a snob is the best way to live

  7. Accomplished-Try-658 on

    “…are 13,000 happy fans wrong?”

    Only on countless occasions throughout history.

    In this case? Ara Shure, what harm?

  8. VanillaCommercial394 on

    If The Script can sell out the point then anything is possible.

  9. oaksmokeshow on

    I’ll never understand the hate they get. Nice normal lads from rural Ireland who’ve stuck their neck out and made something out of nothing without getting lost in any notions. Yes they’re not for everyone, but the size of their audience is undeniable

  10. Fake WWE fighting draws thousands too. I say this as someone who went to the 3Arena for this very thing myself and a ball along with many others. People are getting out and enjoying themselves while loads sit in and bash their keyboards giving out. Life’s too short for that.

  11. Oh_I_still_here on

    I think a lot of people would be happier if we all just each other enjoy things they wanna enjoy without judging. I’m 29M and have barely heard of these lads but like just let people go do shit like this and be happy.

  12. Educational-Ad6369 on

    They are in no way my cup of tea but totally agree. Each to their own. If they bring joy to lot of people that is great.

  13. NewryIsShite on

    I feel like the rise of the 2 Johnnies, and Patrick Kielty platforming all the Ulster and midlands culchies on the Late Late is just indicative of the fact that the boggers are taking over.

    Next thing you know they’ll be moving the Dáil to Leitrim.

  14. gazamcnulty on

    Put it this way. 
    No there is no ‘right or wrong’ in comedy or taste in TV. But in saying that, I don’t think I could maintain a genuine, mutually respected friendship with someone who actually enjoys 2 Johnny’s, Mrs.Browns Boys, Big Bang Theory, etc 

  15. GamorreanGarda on

    Isn’t it to boggers what Mrs. Brown’s Boys is to pension aged working class Dubs?

  16. brianregan09 on

    Am a fan quite enjoy there podcasts more than anything, but I always think to myself when these conversations come up , not everything is for everyone, if ya don’t like them fair play I’m sure you have loads to like elsewhere and if you do happy days

    I hate that people feel the need to try and take others happiness away

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