Premierminister Moe fordert Trudeau auf, Exportsteuern als Vergeltungsmaßnahme gegen Trump anzuprangern


    1. InherentlyUntrue on

      Ah yes, another Premier without the balls to stand up to a bully.

    2. blackmoose on

      He also called for a federal election. I think we need an election before we can realistically bargain in good faith with the US, why would Trump bother negotiating with a government that is on borrowed time?

    3. aeppelcyning on

      Even if Trudeau had zero intention of doing that, it’s in our interest not to state it publicly right now. Keep them guessing and be unpredictable.

    4. That’s cool. But moe decided long ago that he wasn’t relevant. Trudeau shouldn’t even acknowledge his comments

    5. PoorAxelrod on

      Our leaders need to stop playing this out in the media.

      I get that Trudeau is not the most popular leader right now. And I think that’s partly why a lot of premier’s are trying to score points (that, and they’re politicians. So of course they want to be seen as doing something). But this is a situation where we should be putting politics aside and recognizing that Donald Trump is a threat to whoever happens to be in power in Canada.

      Our provincial governments and federal government should be getting together and singing from the same hymn book as it were. Because the best way to fight against a bully is to gang up on the bully and push back. But you need to do it together.

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