Irgendwo auf meiner Bünzli-To-Do-Liste steht neben dem obligatorischen goldenen Vreneli auch die Erstellung eines Familienwappens für uns Erreicht
und ein Faustkampf gegen Habsburgermonarchen
im Gange.
Welche Erfahrungen haben Sie damit gemacht und wenn Sie eines anfertigen lassen, welchen Wappenhandwerker würden Sie empfehlen?
Der Artikel, der mich daran erinnerte:
Serie Schweizer Kuriositäten, Folge 15: Die meisten Schweizer Familien haben ein Wappen. Dies mag im Ausland überraschen, wo die Heraldik oft dem Adel vorbehalten ist. Diese Begeisterung lässt sich jedoch nicht nur mit der Tradition, sondern auch mit der Mode erklären.
„Der Anteil der Familien mit eigenem Wappen ist von Kanton zu Kanton unterschiedlich, aber immer signifikant. Beispielsweise haben 80–90 % der Familien im Kanton Freiburg ein eigenes Wappen“, erklärt Heribert Bielmann, Präsident des Institut fribourgeois d’héraldique et de généalogie.
Do you have a (Swiss) family coat of arms or have you had one made in Switzerland and what is your experience with it?
byu/BezugssystemCH1903 inSwitzerland
Von BezugssystemCH1903
Yes, my family has a coat of arms. There is no experience, we just have it. Many people i know have one.
Edit: my father has a golden ring with the crest. A Siegelring.
I hate to be incredibly unhelpful but… I was once in the bowls of Zentralbibliothek Zürich, and I started pulling random books off the shelf. I happened across a book full of Swiss heraldry beautifully illustrated. It’s probably exactly what you’re after. I was looking for historical records of old Swiss names to trace my family back. Perhaps you could try a similar search?
I have one. It’s very boring. It’s a few bundles of hay.
Picture is from the Zunfthaus zur Waag.
If you become a member of a guild, you have to prove that you are historically eligible to carry your coat of arms to a commission. If you fail, you can create a new one.
We have one granted by the Holy Roman Emperor. My experience is good thank you.
Yes, the issue is we don’t know the colours. The surviving depictions are all in the family book in the Patriciate archives and are unfortunatrly only in black and white 🙁
A friend of the family eventually “recolored it” and put it in a bunch of forniture as a gift for a marriage, but this was back in the 70s.
The recolored version looks right but unfortunately there is no way of knowing if those were indeed the correct colours.
We have one. In little village I grew up we are even decoration of the windows. Little colorful painted glass frames in the middle of each big window. The building is the majors-house which also used to be the armory, grainery and brewery during the years
Yes i have one as well. Its a lion holding an axe – i kinda like it.
We have an old one. It looks awful. Life goes on
This (unfortunately in the meantime broken) page contains description and pictures of a lot of them.
Sometime which village you are from even changes which walpen. So it is not per name, but per clan 😉