Zuletzt erhielt ein irischer Armeeoffizier eine Medaille für seine Arbeit bei ukrainischen Truppen


    Von badger-biscuits


    1. Saor_Ucrain on

      Good for them. Fair play for their hard work.

      But of the 5 Irishmen who’ve given their life for Ukraine all but one’s family (Rory Mason, the first to be killed) haven’t received a medal to the best of my knowledge. Bit of a piss take.

    2. BXL-LUX-DUB on

      Well done. Neutrality or not, it was a Russian ransomware attack that took down HSE systems at the height of Covid, at cost of how many lives.

    3. oneeyedman72 on

      Jesus, that article is horrible to read, garbled language and Grammer. Not Grammer nazi by any mean,s, but I literally couldne read it. Was it written by a professional or a seven year old?

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