Frauen berichten tendenziell von größerer Müdigkeit als Männer, Beobachter sehen sie jedoch als weniger müde. Die Forscher fanden heraus, dass Frauen ausdrucksvoller und aufmerksamer wirkten als Männer, was möglicherweise zu der Wahrnehmung beigetragen hat, dass sie weniger müde waren.
I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:
From the linked article:
Women tend to report greater fatigue than men, yet observers see them as less tired
In a new study published in Sex Roles, researchers have identified a striking gender bias in how fatigue is perceived in others. Observers evaluating short video clips of men and women engaged in social interactions consistently underestimated women’s fatigue levels while overestimating men’s, compared to self-reported levels of fatigue by the individuals in the videos. This phenomenon suggests deeply rooted societal stereotypes may influence perceptions of health and wellbeing.
The findings showed a gender bias in the perception of fatigue. Observers consistently rated women as less fatigued than men, even though women reported higher levels of fatigue on average. Additionally, the researchers found that women appeared more expressive and attentive than men, which may have contributed to the perception that they were less fatigued. Importantly, this expressiveness was not tied to the targets’ actual self-reported fatigue levels, indicating that societal norms encouraging women to display positive affect in social settings likely influenced the observers’ judgments.
The title seems like there is a lot of mental gynmastics to ensure it’s the men that come out as looking worse.
Maybe men have been conditioned into denying their feelings from an early age and the culture is that ‘big boys dont cry’, They may be so used to this that they don’t even realise when they’re feeling negative things like fatigue so they’re not going to report that they feel fatigued, until it all gets too much which contributes to the horrible mental health and suicide statistics for men?
May just be that men are less likely to report feeling fatigued compared to women.
“There are some limitations to consider. For instance, the reliance on self-reported fatigue as a benchmark introduces potential inaccuracies, as fatigue is inherently subjective and can be influenced by individual differences in self-awareness and social pressures.”
This. First it needs to be adressed, how women and man perceive fatigue in comparison and how social factors influence the self-evaluation, before those two study can make any substantial statement.