Eine FPV-Drohne trifft einen russischen Soldaten direkt auf den Kopf. (Musik von der Quelle und NSFW-Warnung)

Von 0nvr123


  1. This is what my mom used to warn us would happen if we combined Pop Rocks with soda. If only she knew the real causes.

  2. Looks like he was already disabled by injury. Even the trees around him look a bit wiped out.

  3. Clean_Increase_5775 on

    He got off wayyyy too easy compared to others. Instant lights out

  4. Greedy_Scar_2302 on

    Didn’t even flinch….just watched that shell come straight for his face. Looks like he was injured already and welcome death at this point

  5. Why can’t this war be over? I don’t understand Putin’s objective here. And the Russian people, I thought 5 or 6 months into the war with Ukraine they would just get rid of Putin. Crazy how many Russians died for this war of nothing. They could have just negotiated with Ukraine about wtf their problems are.

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