Der Gouverneur von Maryland veranstaltete darüber eine wütende Tirade "Ich habe persönlich Dutzende scheinbar Dutzender großer Drohnen am Himmel über meinem Wohnsitz beobachtet (und gefilmt)." für "ca. 45 Minuten"

Bei seinem Video handelt es sich eindeutig um eine Aufnahme des Sternbildes Orion, das zu dieser Jahreszeit besonders hervorsticht. Außerdem gibt es entlang der Ostküste einen der stärksten Meteorschauer des Jahres (Geminiden) mit klarem Wetter.

Ich wette, dass mindestens 90 % der Drohnensichtungen in New York und New Jersey darauf zurückzuführen sind, dass Menschen zum ersten Mal den Orion oder andere Sternbilder (Plejaden … mehrere helle Sterne direkt nebeneinander) entdecken und/oder Geminiden-Meteore sehen.

Bearbeiten: (ich habe vergessen, die offensichtlichsten Dinge zu überprüfen): 3) Ein Flugzeug (viele Radarverfolgungsstandorte sind mit Echtzeitdaten verfügbar) 4) ein Satellit (dito).

FYI if you think you see drones, check that it's not 1) Orion 2) A meteor
byu/Reasonable_Move9518 inspace


  1. Reminds me of when the power went out in LA and people reported seeing UFOs that turned out to just be the stars.

  2. I’m also convinced the reason we have NO hi def closeups of these drones, is because the people that film them in hd, look at the video before posting and realize it’s not what they were hoping it was. Just look at the closeup of the helicopter yesterday. They can get a good close up shot, they just won’t post it because it’s a plane/helicopter or a star

  3. Im_eating_that on

    New Jersey and NY have radically more light pollution than most, there’s no way they’re mistaking stars for drones when they can barely see them in the first place.

  4. AncientVorlon on

    Serious Question: Not sure if what I experienced was a meteor so I’m sharing this here:   

    A glowing ball of white light, zipped by me Thursday night, about 20 feet above my head (while on on my balcony) and then just disappeared. It was silent and a chaotic looking with no tail behind it. Entire experience really weirded me out. …

  5. maurymarkowitz on

    >’m betting at least 90% of the NY/NJ drone sightings are people discovering Orion or other constellations

    If the sample rate here is indicative, it’s mostly airliners. Almost all of the videos I’ve seen are 737’s or A320s, plus a smattering of F-100s and a helo or two.

    People who live near an airport filming planes where you can clearly hear the engines and calling them drones.

    Welcome to a mass hysteria event. Creepy Clown is laughing at us all.

  6. Andromeda321 on

    Astronomer here! Been watching these videos and it’s genuinely crazy how many of these videos are clearly just jet airplanes or similar. If you’re shitty at identifying things and can’t identify something in the sky, I guess it’s a UFO to you but doesn’t mean it is to the rest of us.

    But then I’ve been accused more this week for being “trapped in dogma” than at any other in my career, so conclude what you will.

  7. MidWestKhagan on

    Drones will show heat signatures, why aren’t the NJ police able to get heat signatures from these “drones”? Why are they all different? Something is off for sure and trying to sweep this under the rug saying “it’s not a big deal” isn’t helping.

  8. Growing up my family had a sailboat and most vacations were sailing somewhere in the Great Lakes. One year we were sailing across Lake Michigan and my mom and I were on watch late at night. The main thing you’re looking out for are the huge shipping freighters. You would see a red or a green light depending on what direction they were going. We saw one way in the distance and were keeping an eye on it. It didn’t seem to get closer or farther. It seemed to *maybe* be getting closer after an hour or so. Turns out it was Mars. We were worried about hitting Mars with a sailboat.

  9. Underwater_Karma on

    I don’t think this video is of sufficient quality to determine anything, no less drones vs Orion.

    It could be stars, it could be airplanes… It could even be drones. Low quality shakey video doesn’t even rise to the level of interesting to me

  10. 90% of this is mass hysteria leading people to think literally every single thing in the sky is a UAP. i’m in a few subs where people think bokeh is a UAP, it’s insane

  11. stoneman9284 on

    Yea I was in the hammock last night and saw a bunch of meteors from CO. I’ve never seen them appear to move so slowly across the sky it was really cool. Like I could notice one out of the corner of my eye and still have time to turn my head, find it, and watch it for a second.

  12. 1SweetChuck on

    I saw a video of a guy pointing a laser at Venus and Jupiter claiming they were drones…

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