Schulbehörden in Toronto entlassen Lehrer, die über Krankheitstage lügen – und setzen Privatdetektive ein, um sie zu fassen
Ok good.
Can we gets a mirror please?
Before everybody loses their shit…
This isn’t about firing people that called in saying they have a headache then getting caught at a hockey game.
Those teachers get 11 days at full pay, and 120 days at 90%… and it’s being abused.
Let’s not participate in the anti-labour practice of shitting on people for using their sick days. Mental health is health and neither we as outsiders nor the board via their PIs know their lives.
As a union employee, I support the union and it’s rights.
We have great sick days, and some people abuse them. I support this.
Gives us all a bad name. sick days are for being sick. Not extra days off instead of vacation
Excellent! Let’s do this for anyone abusing the system
Persistent lying to your employer in general should be a reason for termination.
I am so glad my work moved to “discretionary” days where I can take time off when I need to on short notice and I can do it for whatever fucking reason I want
Maybe we should be doing this for all employees on the public purse.
This is ridiculous and a waste of money.
What is this anti-labor tom-foolery?!
Less teachers. That’s what we need.
Amazing use of district resources s/