1 kg reines Meersalz, importiert aus Italien, kostet im selben Laden 1 €. Wer zahlt denn 56€ für ein Kilo dieser Masche?


Von 16ap


  1. DondieLion on

    Omg you’re so uncuth. One never buys it by the kilo, it’s good salt for the salt pig.

    Stick to yer Saxa.

  2. No-Negotiation2922 on

    I would generally buy irish produce over imported and would have no issue paying €4 for salt that lasts me 6 months.

  3. SkyScamall on

    No one’s paying €56 for a kilo. They’re paying €4.19 for a little tub. They’re two completely different customers. 

  4. ComfortableRatio5201 on

    Why would you import sea salt from Italy. Whats wrong with the salt you get over here?

  5. restore_democracy on

    It’s free for the taking from the ocean. Who would spend money on salt at all?

  6. I used to work for a farming co-op in New Zealand, they had a great laugh as to how much they could export the manuka honey for 🤣

  7. It’s 4 Euros to buy a nice little bin of salt to put on your counter/table.

    It makes ya feel good knowing you supported a small Irish business on an Island where there is fuck all employment outside the tourist trade.

    It’s a little 4€ luxury.

  8. FreakyIrish on

    Reasonable price

    I’ve a few jars of organic, vegan, protein full, Kerry air in jars if anyone interested. 300ml jars at €46. Also, if you rub the jar, it gives you the luck of the Irish

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