Die Plakatkampagne „Stop Hiring Humans“ eines KI-Unternehmens löst Empörung aus



  1. MetaKnowing on

    “People are predictably unhappy about being told they don’t deserve jobs. In San Francisco, the heart of Silicon Valley, an AI startup called Artisan has spent an untold sum blitzing the city with an advertising campaign that dispenses with the need for humanity. Artisan’s tagline: “Stop Hiring Humans.”

    The company, which is backed by startup accelerator Y-Combinator, sells what it calls “AI Employees” or “Artisans.”

    In an interview with SFGate, the company’s CEO, Jaspar Carmichael-Jack, defended his company’s decision to advertise its product by promoting the end of the human labor force.

    “They are somewhat dystopian, but so is AI,” the CEO told the outlet, of the ads. “The way the world works is changing.”

    The posters—which are strewn all over the city—include plugs like the following:


  2. errie_tholluxe on

    Who would have thought people would be upset to be unemployed in a system that’s requires them to be employed?

  3. PhillipDiaz on

    The people that are outraged took the bait. That’s exactly what this AI firm wanted. More publicity.

  4. WackFlagMass on

    This AI train is so overhyped. Until we actually get androids on the ground (which by the looks of progress, will prob be like 100 years later or something and we’d all be dead by then…), there’s nothing to worry about

  5. AI’s don’t need a CEO salary, and aren’t going to cause a harassment lawsuit by trying to fuck their assistant.

    Just say’n.

  6. brain_fartin on

    Dystopia. Okay, cool. As long as we make sure the rich get richer. /S

  7. Ok-Training-7587 on

    this was really a brilliant marketing campaign because they got tons of free pr from everyone talking and posting about them. While i’m not enthused about AI taking jobs (although I do think there is some upside), I respect the shit out of this company for being honest and leaning into it because most are saying complete bullshit about how “AI will take some jobs and make lots of new ones. We don’t know what they are yet, but trust us!”. This company is like this is what is happening. I guarantee you 99% of people who are talking about this would have never heard of this company if they ran a more mild campaign.

  8. MakeRFutureDirectly on

    Boycott the companies that use it. Find out if your favorite company uses it and boycott them. Make that company extinct along with their leadership. If they want to be our enemies, become theirs!!!! Boycott any company that uses their product hires. When they go out of business, boycott any company that has anything to do with the former management of that company. Make an example of them and anyone else who threatens humanity!!!

  9. orangeScissorsTape on

    Brits once again telling everyone how great slavery is. :eye-roll:

  10. the_millenial_falcon on

    We live in such an increasingly dystopian shithole. We have all these major challenges ahead of us and look who we elected to guide us through it.

  11. milkonyourmustache on

    Outrage won’t make a difference, wages are one of the greatest costs to businesses, and we’ve already set the foundations for the interests of big business to outweigh those of human beings.

    Now is the time to think about your current skills and upgrade them so that you’re not left behind praying for a revolution, or move to somewhere in the developing world where your skills will still be valued for decades to come.

  12. Effective_Art_5109 on

    I do not see the issue. Nobody says anything when Nike decided to have China make all their goods. Companies see a huge profit increase when they stop production in America and go overseas. But now a billboard has it in your face in the middle of the street and people are just now realizing THEIR job is at stake?

  13. Banaanisade on

    Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone did, indeed, employ mostly AI and people could only work in jobs that they are actually passionate about? In a world where that didn’t automatically mean that everyone at once becomes a homeless undesirable with no means to survive, while a select few become richer and richer at the cost of everyone and everything else on their behalf?

    Maybe this sentiment, in the world that we live in, is not one of progress, but one of malignant misanthropy.

  14. Who’s outraged? Most sane people know it’s just an intentionally provocative ad.

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