Was sollen wir tun, wenn KI bewusst wird? Diese Wissenschaftler sagen, es sei Zeit für einen Plan | Forscher fordern Technologieunternehmen auf, ihre Systeme auf Bewusstsein zu testen und KI-Wohlfahrtsrichtlinien zu entwickeln.



    1. MetaKnowing on

      “A group of philosophers and computer scientists are arguing that AI welfare should be taken seriously. In a report posted last month on the preprint server arXiv[^(1)](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-04023-8#ref-CR1), ahead of peer review, they call for AI companies not only to assess their systems for evidence of consciousness and the capacity to make autonomous decisions, but also to put in place policies for how to treat the systems if these scenarios become reality.”

      “The report contends that AI welfare is at a “transitional moment”. One of its authors, Kyle Fish, was recently hired as an AI-welfare researcher by the AI firm Anthropic. This is the first such position of its kind designated at a top AI firm, according to authors of the report. Anthropic also helped to fund initial research that led to the report.

      “There is a shift happening because there are now people at leading AI companies who take AI consciousness and agency and moral significance seriously,” Sebo says.

    2. LowOnPaint on

      It’s a machine, why do we need to be concerned for its welfare? We kill thousands upon thousands of animals every single day for food. Why should we be more concerned for an artificial intelligence than living creatures?

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