Irgendwie habe ich dieses Ding in den vielen Besuchen in Zürich HB noch nie gesehen, oder?

Von FuriouslyChonky


  1. They take it out and roll it around. Next time 2033. In case you want to plan a heist 😉

  2. Entremeada on

    In you tens of times? I have been at Zurich HB 1000s of times and lived in Zurich 10+ years. Never ever have I seen this or heard about it until today!

  3. Finanzamt_Bayern on

    i work there every day for the past 7 years and i did not know about that lol where is that

  4. CaptainDread on

    I learned about this during a guided tour recently! It’s not all that spectacular but a neat bit of trivia to know. Not always visible though, due to all the events taking place in HB’s main hall.

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