Margaret Cho sagt, nüchtern zu sein „fühlt sich wie ein anderes Leben an“: „Wenn man all das weglegt, beginnt die Party“


  1. > “Fortunately, I had people around me who loved me enough to really take care of me, so it was like they were alerting me to the problem,” continued Cho. “But a lot of times people who are addicts, we just don’t know.”

    > She added, “I’m so amazed at how different life is. Like, I thought that the party would be over, but actually when you put all that stuff down, the party begins. So, really, I’ve been partying all this time. The best way to party is to party sober.”

    > “I think people use it almost as a security blanket or they use it to, like, quell anxieties about being at a party or going out or whatever,” Cho continued. “See what it feels like to just not do it and then see where that leads you.”

  2. ContextMeBro on

    Sober is the new cocaine!
    First it got Mulaney, then Theo, and now Margaret?
    My Mt Rushmore of coke heads is morphing.

  3. ghoulishgirl on

    I am happy for her. She was certainly living rough for a while there.

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