Großbritannien „hat nicht genügend Bauunternehmer“ für die 1,5-Millionen-Häuser der Labour-Partei

Von topotaul


  1. wurst_katastrophe on

    No matter what they do, these homes will be “absolutely shocking”.

  2. What are the typical profit margins on new builds?

    Because an increase in wages to attract people to build houses will lead to an increase in the prices of new builds

  3. If only we hadn’t removed ourselves from a trading bloc with tons of qualified labour for precisely this sort of thing

  4. No_Acanthisitta2746 on

    More demand more builders trained simple economics. Once the artificial dampener of planning rules is reduced watch the market provide supply to meet the absurd demand

  5. We’re obsessed with getting university degrees and not obsessed enough with getting good tradesmen. You know which jobs are at risk from AI and general technological progress? Not the tradesmen. According to indeed the average carpenter makes £22.32 an hour. If I was 15 today I’d be seriously considering becoming an electrician. It’s practically impossible to find a good leccy where we live.

  6. We all knew where this was going

    *”We need more immigrants to build houses for the immigrants we need to build houses for the immigrants we need to build houses for the immigrants we need to build…”*

  7. Objective-Figure7041 on

    If only there was a system where when you needed more of something you would offer to pay more and in doing so incentivise more people to provide that something.

    What a wonderful world that would be.

  8. Karl_Withersea on

    Then how come my neighbour who does groundwork can’t find full time work. And when he gets a few weeks work it’s nearly 100 miles away

  9. ThatGuyMaulicious on

    I don’t understand the need for so many homes though. Our population by normal means isn’t growing by much its because of all the immigrants the government has and continues to let in. So where is the need for these other 1.2 million homes?

  10. GhostRiders on

    We also don’t have enough of every to her trade hence why they so many are taking the piss as they have so much work they can pick and chose.

  11. tomegerton99 on

    Well stop funnelling people into pointless uni degrees, provide training for people who want to switch careers into construction, and raise apprentice wages so people can afford to learn?

  12. ThunderousErection on

    If only there were a bunch of unemployed/underemployed people who could be upskilled.

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