Die Amtsenthebungsabstimmung wurde mit 204 Stimmen für die Amtsenthebung angenommen



  1. goingtotheriver on

    At least 11 conservative lawmakers with a shred of morals.

    Congrats to everyone, the protestors have definitely earned a (hot) drink!

  2. For those who want details, the vote was anonymous, but are as follows:

    300/300 assemblymen present

    204 votes in favor

    85 votes against

    3 abstained votes

    8 spoiled votes (don’t count)

    **Summary: Only 12 out of 108 conservatives voted to impeach Yoon, 4 more than required.**

  3. justforthelulzz on

    To those 12 in PPP who did the right thing, you’ll be remembered for a long time!

  4. GrandaddyGreenTea on

    85 absolute slimeballs still didn’t vote to impeach him after everything that’s come out. Insane.

    Also, lfg, get lost bozo.

  5. Great news. Though… what are the chances of the Constitutional Court upholding the impeachment?

  6. Anyone got the live pictures from Gwanghwamun? It’s about to be flooded due to boomer tears lmao

  7. gomsoon0609 on

    재판이라는 또 한 고비가 남았지만..
    아직은 살만한 나라임을 증명한 오늘 입니다

  8. naruto7bond on

    So what happens now?
    How does things proceed from now on?

    What happens to Yoon?
    He still remains temp President or something until new one is found?

  9. galvanickorea on

    Now the justice system has to do their job.. If Yoon gets away with a slap on the wrist who knows what happens when he gets a 사면 from a future president who is as crazy as him. This guy started a coup, and he better be prosecuted justly by law

  10. whiskybicycle on

    Does the impeachment vote suspend any other legal proceedings against him? Can he still be arrested for treason?

  11. Wow. Imagine living in a country where the politicians and the people oust someone who attempts a coup.

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