MBC sagt, dass man schätzt, dass für die Amtsenthebung eine Million zusammenkommen werden



  1. SiriusBookLover on

    Currently, there are 200K people from what the police gathered. They are expecting that the highest possible number of people gathered will be around 1 million.

  2. ArysOakheart on

    People should start considering getting off sooner and walking the rest if the way or taking the bridges.

    Shits getting very packed

  3. the rally is expecting up to 2 million. we’ll see.

    Last saturday they claimed a million, while the police estimated 160k – number difference is due to the reason they count. Rally try to count *everyone* who came in/out to boast out “this many came for our cause”, while police only cares about max. concurrent numbers for crowd control purposes.

    At the same time that day there was a conservative rally at gwanghwamun rallying against the impeachment, which also claimed a million, while the police estimated 20k.

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