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You left out “Woke” as a preferred spiritual pathway.
I think this is the most common religion *among people who have one*.
Interesting fact: Baptists have one of the most polarized voting because most White and Black Southerners are Baptists.
What’s up with Eastern Orthodox in Alaska? Is it from Russian missionaries from back in the day?
I believe Rockland county, NY, is plurality Jewish.
Now do religious ppl per capita
Some observations:
* The Reformed pockets in western Michigan and northwestern Iowa are insular Dutch American communities. Dordt University in Iowa, as well as Hope College and Calvin University in Michigan are bastions of Reformed theology and social life. Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-IA) and Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-MI) are part of these communities.
* Latter-day Saints dominate Utah and the upper Snake River area of Eastern Idaho, but that also have colonies (dating back from the late 1800s) all over the American West. For example, Navajo County is the home of Snowflake, Taylor, and Joseph City (all named for LDS leaders) and Safford County is home to Safford, Thatcher, and Pima which are insular LDS communities.
* West Virginia has many Methodist congregations as traveling Methodist preachers established congregations in remote Appalachian communities in the mid-to-late 1800s.
* Immigrants from Sweden and Norway established communities in the Upper Midwest (mostly Swedes in Minnesota and mostly Norwegians in North Dakota.) They brought their traditions and Lutheran Faith with them.
This helps to explain the homogeneous culture of the PNW, and why woke residents can’t see their lack of diversity for themselves. Literally every group there has the casual, embracing, slogan; Kindness is Cool.
Please do one that’s shows the most atheist counties. Asking for a friend.
Baptist counties feel like a great proxy for the cultural South
Where are the other religions outside of Christianity? No Islam? Judaism? Hinduism? Would be cool to see what place has the most atheists..
This data is from before the Methodist schism. It would probably look a lot different now.
Where my Baha’is at?
those catholic areas are actually non religious but attract lots from south border and wherever
No Jewish? (Unless I’m missing it), I’m very surprised.
Interesting, but why are the Jews ommitted? They make up a sizable part of the inhabitants of New York.
They’re all right though
pretty easy to notice where dixie is at
Are Utah, New Jersey and New England minus Maine the only states with only a single religion winning every county or did I miss one?
Interesting observation for you all is the big pink rectangle in Maine is because they’re literally are no people there.
I know for a fact my county is not majority catholic
I think you meant denomination. They are all Christians.
When you’re only a plurality. Nice to be included though.
Kansas is interesting.
West Virginia is Methodist Virginia
What is so compelling about the baptist faith that causes all other faiths to shrink?
Where the Jews at? Or right, they make up only 2.4% of the U.S. population. Not sure how people receive them as a threat 🤔