OpenAI-Whistleblower tot in Wohnung in San Francisco aufgefunden. Der 26-jährige Suchir Balaji behauptete, das Unternehmen habe gegen das Urheberrecht verstoßen


  1. GeiPingGanus on

    The oligarchs murdling the common man.
    Justice system: 👨‍🦯🧑‍🦯👨‍🦯🧑‍🦯👨‍🦯

    The common man murdling the olicharchs.
    Justice system: we will find him at all costs! We will leave no cheeks unspread and no foreskin unsheathed!

  2. MotherFunker1734 on

    These next few years the world will become an unprecedented and massive shitshow…

  3. Actually-Yo-Momma on

    This is actually fucking insane. Whistleblowers are absolute heroes for risking everything to help the common folks aware and we just casually accept they are getting murdered out here  

  4. So this happened on Nov 26th and it’s only now just made the news, on 13th Dec, 17 days later….

    That’s not weird at all.

  5. DabMagician on

    We’re so fucked it’s almost unbelievable. But thus us our world unfortunately.

  6. TW_Yellow78 on

    I’m sure the police investigation for this case will be just as robust and encompassing as it was for Brian Thompson.

  7. NinjaTabby on

    Can we get hourly update of this murder case until the murder is arrested? I thought the police and news outlet did a very good job with the CEO case.

  8. myislanduniverse on

    Well duh. Do you know how much shareholder value he was probably about to destroy?

    Can’t have that!

    But for real, the billions of dollars of cap just sort of… have a way of protecting themselves. Heck the amount it would take to get someone to commit a murder is just a rounding error here.

  9. Kingkloklo on

    Can’t wait to see this solved in four days, just like the CEO case!

  10. archetype_7 on

    The funny part is Americans joking about Russian whisteblowers jumping off windows when usa has it as bad as Russia. No one’s safe here

  11. OR they have to admit that intellectual property law is more complex than chatgpt wants. And that it will never be profitable enough to make rent. AND they have to go inside for a minute and want to be dead for the fundraising. The above mentioned is also fraud. And to be avoided.

  12. TexansforJesus on

    “No evidence of foul play” per authorities.

    Whelp, I’m convinced. Yessiree. Nothing to see here.

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