US-Flieger wird wegen sexuellen Angriffs auf ein Mädchen aus Okinawa zu fünf Jahren Haft verurteilt


  1. Appropriate-Craft850 on

    If I was stationed in Japan; I’d be watching Japanese porn. Y’all have some good porn.

  2. Meandering_Croissant on

    Not nearly long enough. Servicemen need to stop treating the place like some occupied country where they can abuse the locals with impunity and wrist slap sentences they’ll serve half of aren’t going to do it. Should be maximum sentence in every instance and unit commanders should be up for disciplinary action within their branch as well. Give them a personal incentive to instil their units with some of the basic discipline they sorely lack.

  3. amazing_ape on

    Is there to enforce some sort of STOP RAPING OKINAWANS rules for US service members stationed there? This has been happening for decades and everyone hates Americans because of it.

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