Pakistanischer Soldat hebt scharfe Granate auf, die von belutschischen Separatisten geworfen wurde, RPG-Angriff auf Außenposten und gefangener Soldat gesehen

Von Common_Echo_9069


  1. It’s like seeing a yellow light and hitting the gas. Sometimes you make it, sometimes you dont!

  2. TheAviatorPenguin on

    You can’t see the exact layout of the outpost and whether he had any options, and there’s a whole lot of Sunday morning quarterbacking in this thought, but at that distance would he likely have been any safer jumping away from the grenade, such that when it exploded, he was laying down and his feet were in a direct line between his head and the grenade?

    Absolutely don’t want to say I’d have done anything different, that would be a whole pile of ego, just wondering if he stood ANY chance if he’d lucked out on the right move…

  3. Risk getting lit up trying to escape, or chance it and lobbing it back.

  4. Snips_Tano on

    Dude was fucked either way.

    Grab the grenade and hope he makes it in time or run back around the tower and get blasted by two RPGs. Grenade in the face was probably quicker death, anyway

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